Once again it’s time for me to post November’s insights from my peers that have really motivated and inspired me.  I truly hope that the comments below will inspire and encourage others as well.  

C. A. Mitchell · November 4, 2012  on I’m NOT a LOSER: Weigh-In Day

Pleeaase don’t step on the scales – they are evil! I was an obsessive scale user and I’m telling you, those things wreak havoc with your mind. Take measurements, note how you feel, record your progress in the gym – these are the things that matter, Stay positive and keep pushing – you can do it!

Anywhere With Anything · November 4, 2012  on I’m NOT a LOSER: Weigh-In Day

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the scale not moving. :) Not because of the fact that it could be inches, and not because it’s just a number. Mostly because you’re part of a process – one that could be a part of your whole life, if you choose to extend it past the 365. You are trying harder than you’ve ever tried before – be proud of it. Be proud of those six pounds. Be proud of everything you’ve done, because it can only get better if you keep at it.

3beautifuldaughters · November 2, 2012  on Inside the Mind of a Food Addict: Volume 1

WOW. I was reluctant to read this because i am an addict. I’ve been clean and sober for more than 15 years, but like some 1 above said, once I evicted the drugs, the food took residence. And the funny thing is the food, alcohol, and other things, are only a symptom of the deep inability to truly accept myself. I’ve spent my life searching for something that I thought I found in drugs, food, TV you name it.
So like I said I just didn’t want to hear/read it. I did, and parts of these words hurt deeply because today is my day 1, and I’m tired of binge eating or eating to cope.
this is a very exposing piece. I feel like you were speaking my words. I can hear myself agreeing to all the put downs your inner beast says to you.
We’re NOT down for the count. NO.

lesliehobson · November 15, 2012  on Free-Dumb: You Choose

My father grew up poor. The only vegetables he had were the ones that were being thrown out in the grocery store where his single mother worked. When he grew up, and achieved some success, he spoiled himself with food. Meat for breakfast, and every meal. Horrible food choices. He had his first heart attack at 62 and died at 67. I miss him.

legalballerina · November 14, 2012  on Free-Dumb: You Choose

Lack of self-control plagues many people in our society. Me and my husband discuss this issue all of the time. I would love to eat junk 24 hours a day, but then I would be unhealthy and look like a hog beast; that is simply unacceptable. Life is all about choices. You can choose to eat a hamburger or choose to eat a salad. I am not saying it is easy; it is simply a choice. The more self-control you have, the more likely you are going to make the better choice. This will ultimately transcend into other decisions in your life too. “Do I buy a new car today or drive my car for a few more years and save for a down payment on a house?” or “Do I go on a Caribbean vacation this year or do I use the money to pay off my school loan?”

This is a good post with a very good point. I hope people get the message.

thoughtsfromanamericanwoman · November 14, 2012  on Free-Dumb: You Choose

I too made that choice not to eat vegetables as I got older and like you I held firm to that. Today I am diabetic and was shocked that I found vegetables I enjoy – I love toss salads filled to the brim with fresh uncooked veggies. I found I am not a fan of cooked veggies but love them raw, and I have been trying new vegetables I never had growing up. A year and half later I am making progress, my AIC is 5.7 today, when I was diagnosed it was 6.9. I have lost 50 pounds and no longer crave fast food, I am now able to eat out and always take leftovers home. This article gave me encouragement as we head into Thanksgiving and Christmas (cookies are my kryptonite!) and I enjoy baking. Last year my daughter and I baked so many cookies but I gave so much away, still enjoying to bake and blessing others with homemade cookies. Portion control was also an issue, in my household where my mother went hungry in war torn Europe, she always gave us what she thought was healthy size portions vowing we would never go hungry so I always assumed they were normal portions, now when I see what I eat in true normal portions I am amazed. But for her it was out of love and her fear of going hungry. As I read back I am amazed at how much I also allowed food to dictate my life. Thanks for sharing your progress.

JWSthe3rd · December 5, 2012  on Finding My Way Out of a Bag of Doritos

Jason, we are so much alike! I fell off the wagon during Thanksgiving too, and I stayed off my diet for 10 days, and gained almost 10 pounds! It was very self-destructive, and I shamed myself as each day passed. I finally got my butt back in gear, and started back this past monday, losing 4 of the gained pounds so far. I am also a yo-yo dieter, and I think it’s a serious mental illness. Having said that, I think we have to take our diets and exercise more serious than the average person, as it is a matter of life and death in the long run. I haven’t posted since I screwed up, I’ve been too ashamed, but I will post again soon. Thanks for your honesty!

thoughtsfromanamericanwoman · December 1, 2012  on Finding My Way Out of a Bag of Doritos

Being newly diabetic I really had to find a way to stay disciplined. It is hard, like you I am a yo yo dieter. But this past yr and half, I am finding it easier and easier to lose weight and keep my sugar down. I am not a person who likes to exercise, but I do enjoy walking and go as often as I can. I even park further away from the store to walk those extra minutes. When I feel as I am not getting enough exercise I start to clean my house, I mean down on my knees, stretching to dust the ceiling fans and bending down to get underneath furniture cleaning, and I always feel as if I had a good workout and got my house cleaned too! I know it is not as good, but it seems to be helping me. And now I come to your blog, thank you for sharing your journey with us. It keeps me motivated and I hope we do the same for you. Blessings – Patty

Ashley @ Coffee Cake and Cardio · December 1, 2012  on Finding My Way Out of a Bag of Doritos

Great post. I too gained over Thanksgiving but you know what, that day will come every year and every year you’ll be with your family. Don’t let one day/week discourage you. You’ve got this!

Cam · December 1, 2012  on Finding My Way Out of a Bag of Doritos

I’ve found that whenever I set a hard goal for myself, the easiest way to stay motivated and keep on track instead of beating myself up if I don’t get there when I think I should is to forget about the goal (lose XX pounds, bike XX miles in XX minutes,…) and instead think of it in terms of the philosophy behind why I’ve decided to pursue that goal (to live a healthier lifestyle, be able to go about my day and feel less tired, be there for my family years from now…). Once I’ve focused on why I’m doing something that becomes my motivation to accomplish it and over time I figure out my triggers/pitfalls (having snack foods in the house) and learn how to avoid them and set myself up for success. Self-reflection = good, self-flagellation = bad :)

kathe814 · November 4, 2012  on About

I’m going to follow you and I’m going to encourage you. I’ll tell you why. It may scare you, but so be it. I work on an ICU unit, and we get a lot of men in that weigh in excess of 300 pounds. Most have severe breathing problems because of their weight. Almost every one ends up on life support, and when they do, they never leave alive. This stuff is serious. I applaud you for your effort to lose weight. Please stick to it. And no fast food ever!!! I totally get how hard it is. I have a lot of trouble myself. Good luck to you. I’ll be cheering for you every step of the way! Kathe

Heidi Ewert Ortiz · November 24, 2012  Picture of the Day: No Pictures Please

Very cute little man you guys have. Hey – this is completely unrelated – I made the final step in this journey I decided to undertake because of your blog. I told my husband and son that I’m done with fast food. I’ve been following your blog and decided (quietly to myself) that I would stop eating fast food. On Thanksgiving though, I went public with that decision. Now there’s accountability! UGH! So, I haven’t had fast food since I started following your blog sometime in October. Thanks for your inspiration! I look forward to reading more. :) Have a fantastic holiday season!

Once again, thank you to EVERYONE who has commented, emailed, liked, and/or followed my journey to a healthier me.  I can’t begin to express how much it means to me.  

-Jason C.



  1. Very inspiring, thanks

  2. I noticed you haven’t posted for a while. I just want to encourage you to keep at it. Here’s one more blogger rooting for you!!! Take care.

  3. Awesome work man!! Keep up the amazing work!

  4. Nice work. Keep it up!

  5. I love your pages and your form of self-expression, it is a pleasure to have you share your gifts through your pages Thank you. I have nominated you for blog of the Year please visit my page Blog of the year awards and nominations Thank you! Revised
    Posted on December 9, 2012

  6. petit4chocolatier · · Reply

    Wonderful inspiration Jason! Keep it going 🙂

  7. I’m keen to see what’s happening in December, a hard month for some. 🙂

  8. Beautiful comments ! Looks like you made a big difference! 🙂 Keep it up 🙂

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